
Research monographs

  1. Garzia, D. & Ferreira da Silva, F. (2024). Negative Voting in Comparative Perspective. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
  2. Garzia, D., Ferreira da Silva, F. & De Angelis, A. (2021). Leaders without Partisans. Dealignment, Media Change, and the Personalization of Politics. London: ECPR Press/Rowman & Littlefield International.
  3. Garzia, D. (2014). Personalization of Politics and Electoral Change. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.

Edited volumes

  1. Boncourt, T., Engeli, I. & Garzia, D. (eds.) (2020). Political Science in Europe. Achievements, Challenges, Prospects. London: ECPR Press/Rowman & Littlefield International.
  2. Garzia, D. & Marschall, S. (eds.) (2014). Matching Voters with Parties and Candidates. Voting Advice Applications in a Comparative Perspective. Colchester: ECPR Press.
  3. Cedroni, L. & Garzia, D. (eds.) (2010). Voting Advice Applications in Europe. The State of the Naples: Civis.

Edited special issues

  1. Garzia, D. & Papadopoulos, Y. (eds.) (2024). How Does Political Science Matter? The Relevance and Impact of the Discipline. Special issue of «Swiss Political Science Review».
  2. Nai, A., Garzia, D., Aaldering, L., Ferreira da Silva, F. & Gattermann, K. (eds.) (2022). Negative Politics: Leader Personality, Negative Campaigning, and the Oppositional Dynamics of Contemporary Politics. Special issue of «Politics and Governance».
  3. Garzia, D. & Passarelli, G. (eds.) (2021). Italy in Times of Protest and Negative Voting. Special issue of «Italian Journal of Electoral Studies».
  4. Bellucci, P., Garzia, D. & Lewis-Beck, M. (eds.) (2017). Understanding Electoral Politics in Contemporary Italy: Policy Preferences, Personalization, Partisanship and the Economy. Special issue of «Contemporary Italian Politics».
  5. Garzia, D. & Marschall, S. (eds.) (2016). Research on Voting Advice Applications: State of the Art and Future Directions. Special issue of «Policy & Internet».

Peer-reviewed articles

  1. Garzia, D. & Ferreira da Silva, F. (2024). In-party love, out-party hate, and affective polarization in twelve established democracies, 1961-2022. Public Opinion Quarterly, accepted for publication.
  2. Ferreira da Silva, F. & Garzia, D. (2024). Affective polarization towards parties and leaders, and electoral participation in 13 parliamentary democracies, 1980-2019. Public Opinion Quarterly, accepted for publication.
  3. Reiljan, A., Garzia, D., Ferreira da Silva, F. & Trechsel, A. (2024). Patterns of affective polarization in the democratic world: Comparing the polarized feelings towards parties and leaders. American Political Science Review, 118: 654-670.
  4. Garzia, D. & Papadopoulos, Y. (2024). Introduction to the debate: How does political science matter? The relevance and impact of the discipline. Swiss Political Science Review, 30: 181-188
  5. Nai, A., Aaldering, L., Ferreira da Silva, F., Garzia, D. & Gattermann, K. (2023). The dark side of the mood. Candidate evaluation, voter perceptions, and the driving role of (dark) personality traits. Electoral Studies, 86: 102715.
  6. Garzia, D., Ferreira da Silva, F. & Maye, S. (2023). Affective polarization in comparative and longitudinal perspective. Public Opinion Quarterly, 87: 219-231.
  7. Ferreira da Silva, F., Reiljan, A., Cicchi, L., Trechsel, A. & Garzia, D. (2023). Three sides of the same coin? Comparing party positions in VAAs, expert surveys and manifesto data. Journal of European Public Policy, 30: 150-173.
  8. Garzia, D. (2023). The Italian parliamentary election of 2022: The populist radical right takes charge. West European Politics, 46: 1038-1048.
  9. Nai, A., Garzia, D., Aaldering, L., Ferreira da Silva, F. & Gattermann, K. (2022). For a research agenda on negative politics. Politics and Governance, 10: 243-246.
  10. Garzia, D., & Ferreira da Silva, F. (2022). The electoral consequences of affective polarization? Negative voting in the 2020 US Presidential election. American Politics Research, 50: 303-311.
  11. Garzia, D. & Ferreira da Silva, F. (2022). Negativity and political behavior: A theoretical framework for the analysis of negative voting in contemporary democracies. Political Studies Review, 20: 282-291.
  12. Garzia, D., Ferreira da Silva, F. & De Angelis, A. (2022). Partisan dealignment and the personalisation of politics in West European parliamentary democracies, 1961–2018. West European Politics, 45: 311-334.
  13. Ferreira da Silva, F., Garzia, D. & De Angelis, A. (2021). From party to leader mobilization? The personalization of voter turnout. Party Politics, 27: 220-233.
  14. Garzia, D. & Passarelli, G. (2021). Italy in times of protest and negative voting: An introduction. Italian Journal of Electoral Studies, 84: 3-7.
  15. Garzia, D. & Karremans, J. (2021). Super Mario 2: Comparing the technocrat-led Monti and Draghi governments in Italy. Contemporary Italian Politics, 13: 105-115.
  16. Garzia, D. & Ferreira da Silva, F. (2021). Negative personalization and voting behavior in 14 parliamentary democracies, 1961–2018. Electoral Studies, 71: 102300.
  17. Bright, J.; Garzia, D.; Lacey, J. & Trechsel, A. (2020). The representative deficit in different European party systems: An analysis of the elections to the European Parliament 2009-2014. Italian Journal of Electoral Studies, 83: 45-57.
  18. Michel, E., Garzia, D., Ferreira da Silva, F. & De Angelis, A. (2020). Leader effects and voting for the populist radical right in Western Europe. Swiss Political Science Review, 26: 273-295.
  19. Cicchi, L., Garzia, D. & Trechsel, A. (2020). Mapping parties’ positions on foreign and security issues in the EU, 2009–2014. Foreign Policy Analysis, 16: 532-546.
  20. Reiljan, A., Ferreira da Silva, F., Cicchi, L., Garzia, D. & Trechsel, A. (2020). Longitudinal dataset of political issue-positions of 411 parties across 28 European countries (2009–2019) from Voting Advice Applications EU Profiler and euandi. Data in Brief, 31: 105968.
  21. Garzia, D., Ferreira da Silva, F. & De Angelis, A. (2020). Image that matters: News media consumption and party leader effects on voting behavior. The International Journal of Press/Politics, 25: 238–259.
  22. Garzia, D. (2019). The 2018 Italian Parliamentary election and the first populist government in Western Europe. West European Politics, 42: 670-680.
  23. Garzia, D. (2017). Personalization of politics between television and the Internet: Leader effects in the 2013 Italian parliamentary election. Journal of Information Technology & Politics. 14: 403-416.
  24. Bellucci, P., Garzia, D. & Lewis-Beck, M. (2017). Understanding electoral politics in contemporary Italy: Policy preferences, personalization, partisanship and the economy. Contemporary Italian Politics 9: 3-7.
  25. Garzia, D. (2017). Party transformation, leadership change and closeness to parties. Non-electoral leader effects in the Italian context, 2013. Contemporary Italian Politics 9: 30-43.
  26. Garzia, D., Trechsel, A. & De Angelis, A. (2017). Voting Advice Applications and electoral participation: A multi-method study. Political Communication 34: 424-443.
  27. Garzia, D.; Trechsel, A.; De Sio, L. (2017). Party placement in supranational elections. An introduction to the euandi 2014 dataset. Party Politics, 23: 333-341.
  28. Garzia, D. & Marschall, S. (2016). Research on Voting Advice Applications: State of the art and future directions. Policy & Internet 8: 376–390.
  29. Bright, J.; Garzia, D.; Lacey, J.; Trechsel, A. (2016). Europe’s voting space and the problem of second-order elections: A transnational proposal. European Union Politics, 17: 184-198.
  30. Garzia, D. & De Angelis, A. (2016). Partisanship, leader evaluations, and the vote: Disentangling the new iron triangle in electoral research. Comparative European Politics 14: 604-625.
  31. Garzia, D.; Trechsel, A. (2015). Systèmes d’aide au vote et comportement politique: Tour d’horizon. Revue Internationale de Politique Comparée, 23 : 231-243.
  32. Bellucci, P., Garzia, D. & Lewis-Beck, M. (2015). Issues and leaders as vote determinants: The case of Italy. Party Politics 21: 272-283.
  33. Garzia, D. (2014). The dishonest vote in Italian parliamentary elections. Contemporary Italian Politics 6: 115-130.
  34. Barisione, M., Catellani, P. & Garzia, D. (2014). Tra Facebook ei Tg. Esposizione mediale e percezione dei leader nella campagna elettorale italiana del 2013. Comunicazione Politica 14: 187-210.
  35. De Angelis, A. & Garzia, D. (2013). Individual level dynamics of PTV change across the electoral cycle. Electoral Studies 32: 900-904.
  36. Garzia, D. (2013). Can candidates’ image win elections? A counterfactual assessment of leader effects in the Second Italian Republic. Journal of Political Marketing 12: 348-361.
  37. Garzia, D. (2013). The 2013 Italian parliamentary election: Changing things so everything stays the same. West European Politics 36: 1095-1105.
  38. Garzia, D. (2013). The rise of party/leader identification in Western Europe. Political Research Quarterly 66: 533-544.
  39. Garzia, D. (2013). Changing parties, changing partisans. The personalization of partisan attachments in Western Europe. Political Psychology 34: 67-89.
  40. Garzia, D. (2012). Party and leader effects in parliamentary elections: Towards a reassessment. Politics 32: 175-85.
  41. Bellucci, P., Garzia, D. & Rubal, M. (2012). ¿Importa Europa en las elecciones Europeas? Un modelo explicativo de las elecciones del 2009 al Parlamento Europeo. Revista Española de Investigaciones Sociológicas 137: 25-42.
  42. Garzia, D. & Marschall, S. (2012). Voting Advice Applications under review: The state of research. International Journal of Electronic Governance 5: 203-22.
  43. Garzia, D. & Viotti, F. (2012). Party identification, leader effects and vote choice in Italy, 1990-2008. World Political Science Review 8: 1-23.
  44. Garzia, D. & Verzichelli, L. (2011). Publishing political science in Italy. An analysis of the last decade of contributions to the RISP. Italian Political Science 6/2011.
  45. Garzia, D. (2011). Le ragioni del ‘voto disonesto’ nelle elezioni parlamentari italiane del 2006. Quaderni di Scienza Politica 18: 209-33.
  46. Garzia, D. & Viotti. F. (2011). Leader, identità di partito e voto in Italia, 1990-2008. Rivista Italiana di Scienza Politica 41: 411-32.
  47. Garzia, D. (2011). The personalization of partisan attachments in the Second Italian Republic. Bulletin of Italian Politics 3: 59-78.
  48. Garzia, D. (2011). The personalization of politics in Western democracies: Causes and consequences on leader-follower relationships. The Leadership Quarterly 22: 697-709.
  49. Bellucci, P., Garzia, D. & Rubal. M. (2010). Campagna elettorale e popolarità dei governi nelle elezioni europee. Comunicazione Politica 1/2010: 17-36.
  50. Garzia, D. (2009). The dynamics of (personalized) party identification in the Second Italian Republic. Politikon 15: 24-48.

Handbook and encyclopedia entries

  1. Garzia, D., Ferreira da Silva, F., Reiljan. & Trechsel. A. (under contract). “Affective Polarization”. In W. Thompson (ed.), Oxford Research Encyclopedia. New York: Oxford University Press.
  2. Garzia, D. & Marschall, S. (in press). “Voting Advice Applications”. In A. Nai & M. Groemping (eds.), Encyclopedia of Political Communication. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing.
  3. Garzia, D. & Ferreira da Silva, F. (2023). “Voting Advice Applications”. In N. Carter, D. Keith, G. Sindre, & S. Vasilopoulou (eds.), The Routledge Handbook of Political Parties. London: Routledge.
  4. Garzia, D. & Marschall, S. (2019). “Voting Advice Applications”. In W. Thompson (ed.), Oxford Research Encyclopedia. New York: Oxford University Press.
  5. Trechsel, A. & Garzia, D. (2019). “Voting Advice Applications: The power of self-persuasion”, in E. Suhay, B. Grofman, & A. Trechsel (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Electoral Persuasion. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  6. Garzia, D. (2017). “Voter evaluation of candidates and party leaders”. In K. Arzheimer, J. Evans & M. Lewis-Beck (eds.), The SAGE Handbook of Electoral Behaviour. Thousand Oaks: SAGE.

Book chapters

  1. Garzia, D. & Venturino, F. (2023). “Personalizzazione o polarizzazione? Valutazione dei leader e scelta di voto nelle elezioni parlamentari del 2022”. In ITANES (ed.), Svolta a Destra? Cosa ci Dice il Voto del 2022. Bologna: Il Mulino.
  2. Boncourt, T., Engeli, I. & Garzia, D. (2020). “Fifty years of political science in Europe: An introduction”. In T. Boncourt, I. Engeli & D. Garzia (eds.), Political Science in Europe. Achievements, Challenges, Prospects. London: ECPR Press/Rowman & Littlefield.
  3. Garzia, D. & Trechsel, A. (2020). “The engagement of European political scientists with parties and the citizens: The case of Voting Advice Applications”. In T. Boncourt, I. Engeli & D. Garzia (eds.), Political Science in Europe. Achievements, Challenges, Prospects. London: ECPR Press/Rowman & Littlefield.
  4. Garzia, D. & Ferreira da Silva, F. (2019). “Personalization of politics”. In S. Maisel (ed.), Oxford Bibliographies in Political Science. New York: Oxford University Press.
  5. Maggini, L., De Sio, L., Garzia, D. & Trechsel, A. (2019). “Impact of issues on party performance”. In L. De Sio, M. Franklin & L. Russo (eds.), The European Parliament Elections of 2019. Roma: LUISS.
  6. Garzia, D. & Venturino, F. (2018). “I leader di partito nelle elezioni 2018”. In ITANES (ed.), Vox Populi. Il Voto ad Alta Voce del 2018. Bologna: Il Mulino.
  7. Garzia, D. & Venturino, F. (2018). “Una competizione ancora personalizzata: i leader di partito nelle elezioni del 2018”. In D. Fruncillo & F. Addeo (eds.), Le Elezioni del 2018. Partiti, Candidati, Regole e Risultati. Firenze: Società Italiana di Studi Elettorali.
  8. Marschall, S. & Garzia, D. (2014). “Voting Advice Applications in a comparative perspective. An introduction”. In D. Garzia & S. Marschall (eds.), Matching Voters with Parties and Candidates. Voting Advice Applications in a Comparative Perspective. Colchester: ECPR Press.
  9. Garzia, D., De Angelis, A. & Pianzola, J. (2014). “The Impact of VAAs on electoral participation”. In D. Garzia & S. Marschall (eds.), Matching Voters with Parties and Candidates. Voting Advice Applications in a Comparative Perspective. Colchester: ECPR Press.
  10. Sudulich, M., Garzia, D., Trechsel, A. & Vassil, K. (2014). “Party placement in supranational elections: The case of the 2009 EP elections”. In D. Garzia & S. Marschall (eds.), Matching Voters with Parties and Candidates. Voting Advice Applications in a Comparative Perspective. Colchester: ECPR Press.
  11. Garzia, D., Trechsel, A., Vassil, K. & Dinas, E. (2014). “Indirect campaigning – Past, present and future of Voting Advice Applications”. In B. Grofman, A. Trechsel & M. Franklin (eds.), The Internet and Democracy in Global Perspective: Voters, Candidates, Parties, and Social Movements. New York: Springer.
  12. Barisione, M., Catellani, P. & Garzia, D. (2013). “Alla ricerca di un leader”. In ITANES (ed.), Voto amaro. Disincanto e crisi economica nelle elezioni del 2013. Bologna: Il Mulino.
  13. Garzia, D. (2013). “Ancora tu.. Le motivazioni di voto per i candidati”. In C&LS – Candidate and Leader Selection (ed.), Forza Doria. Divertissements seri sulle elezioni primarie. Genova: Epoké.
  14. Bellucci, P., Garzia, D. & Rubal, M. (2012). “Does Europe matter in European elections? A composite model of the 2009 European Parliament elections”. In S. Banducci et al., An Audit of Democracy in the European Union. Fiesole: European University Institute.
  15. Garzia, D. (2012). “Understanding cross-national patterns of VAA-usage: Integrating macro- and micro-level explanations”. In A. Dziewulska & A. Ostrowska (eds.), Europeanisation of Political Rights: Voter Advice Application and Migrant Mobilisation in 2011 UK Elections. Warsaw: University of Warsaw.
  16. Garzia, D. (2010). “The effects of VAAs on users’ voting behaviour: An overview”. In L. Cedroni & D. Garzia (eds.), Voting Advice Applications in Europe: The State of the Art. Napoli: Civis.

Working papers

  1. Reiljan, A., Cicchi, L., Garzia, D., Ferreira da Silva, F. & Trechsel, A. (2023). Party placement in the void: The European political space in 10 years of cross-national Voting Advice Applications. EUI Working Papers, RSCAS 2023/29. Fiesole: European University Institute.
  2. Garzia, D. & Ferreira da Silva (2021). Negative voting revisited: The 2020 US Presidential election. FORS Working Paper Series, FORS 01-2021. Lausanne: Swiss Center of Expertise in the Social Sciences.
  3. Michel, E., Cicchi, L., Garzia, D., Ferreira Da Silva, F. & Trechsel, A. (2019). euandi2019: Project description and datasets documentation. EUI Working Papers, RSCAS 2019/61. Fiesole: European University Institute.
  4. Garzia, D., Ferreira da Silva, F. & De Angelis, A. (2018). Partisan dealignment and the personalization of politics in West European parliamentary democracies, 1961-2016. CSD Working Papers Series. Irvine: Center for the Study of Democracy.
  5. Trechsel, A.; De Sio, L. & Garzia, D. (2017). 2014 as the first (truly) European elections? EUI Working Papers, RSCAS 2017/14. Fiesole: European University Institute.
  6. Garzia, D., Trechsel, A., De Sio, L. & De Angelis, A. (2015). euand Project description and datasets documentation. EUI Working Papers, RSCAS 2015/01. Fiesole: European University Institute.
  7. Bright, J., Garzia, D., Lacey, J. & Trechsel, A. (2014). Trans-nationalising Europe’s voting space. EUI Working Papers, RSCAS 2014/02. Fiesole: European University Institute.
  8. De Angelis, A. & Garzia, D. (2012). Short-term political attitudes and PTVs. Preliminary evidence from the Italian case. ITANES Working Papers Series, 2/2012. Bologna: Istituto Cattaneo.
  9. Garzia, D. (2011). From group membership to party leadership: The changing determinants of partisanship in Italy, 1968-2008. Nuffield’s Working Papers Series in Politics, 2011-07. Oxford: University of Oxford.
  10. Garzia, D. (2011). Changing parties, changing partisans. The personalization of partisan attachments in Germany, Italy, and the Netherlands. GESIS Working Papers, 12-2011. Bonn: Leibniz-Institut für Sozialwissenschaften.
  11. Garzia, D. (2010). Explaining the dishonest vote in Italian parliamentary elections, 2006. CIRCaP Occasional Papers, 23/2010. Siena: University of Siena.

Book reviews

  1. Marina Costa Lobo and John Curtice, “Personality Politics? The Role of Leader Evaluations in Democratic Elections”. In Party Politics 23(3).
  2. Delia Baldassarri, “The Simple Art of Voting”. In Polis 27(3).
  3. David Sanders, Paolo Bellucci, Gábor Tóka and Mariano Torcal, “The Europeanization of National Polities? Citizenship and Support in a Post-Enlargement Union”. In Rivista Italiana di Scienza Politica 43(2).
  4. Kees Aarts, Andrè Blais and Hermann Schmitt, “Political Leaders and Democratic Elections”, and Amanda Bittner, “Platform or Personality? The Role of Party Leaders in Elections”. In Political Studies Review 11(2).
  5. Jean Blondel and Jean Louis Thiébault, “Political Laedership, Parties and Citizens. The Personalisation of Leadership”. In Modern Italy 18(1).
  6. Wojciech Cwalina, Andrzej Falkowski and Bruce I. Newman, “A Cross-Cultural Theory of Voter Behavior”. In Political Studies Review 9(1)


  1. Garzia, D., Ferreira da Silva, F., De Angelis, A. & Maye, S. (2022). «The West European Voter Dataset: 1961-2020». SWISSUbase, Swiss Center of Expertise in the Social Sciences.
  2. Telle, S., Cicchi, L., Ferreira da Silva, F., Garzia, D., Reiljan, A. & Trechsel, A. (2020). «InDivEU-party preferences data». Cadmus, European University Institute Research Repository.
  3. Reiljan, A., Ferreira da Silva, F., Cicchi, L., Garzia, D. & Trechsel, A. (2020). «EU Profiler/euandi trend file (2009-2019)». Cadmus, European University Institute Research Repository.
  4. Trechsel, A., Garzia, D. & Cicchi, L. (2019). «euandi 2019 dataset». Cadmus, European University Institute Research Repository.
  5. Trechsel, A., Garzia, D. & De Sio, L. (2015). «euandi (General Population Survey)-User Profiles in the 2014 European Elections». GESIS Data Archive, Cologne.
  6. Trechsel, A., Garzia, D. & De Sio, L. (2014). «euandi (Expert Interviews)». GESIS Data Archive, Cologne.


Other publications

  1. Dalton, R. J., Garzia, D. & Trechsel, A. (2021). Road Trip into Music: A Southern California Journey, 1960s-1970s. Seattle: Amazon KDP.